Yarn Crafts

Pumpkin Hat

So as it’s nearly Halloween I thought I’d make a suitable hat. I’ve had some orange yarn sitting around for ages since I bought it at the closing down sale of my local yarn store (sob) and it’s finally cold enough to think of knitting again. All summer long I just want to sew pretty dresses but come the colder weather and knitting just starts to seem right again!

I spent ages on Ravelry trying to find a pattern to fit my yarn (super bulky mohair blend Adriafil Olimpo) but very little seems to have been made with it. In fact, only 7 projects, which for a site as large as Ravelry is surprising. In the end I had a serendipitous discovery of a knitting book at my local Oxfam store and found the perfect pattern in there.

The book is Knitting by Design by Emma Robertson* (see left) and it’s kind of unique in that it’s written by a graphic designer who likes to knit. The book is beautifully laid out and takes you through the design process for each project, from polaroids of inspirational objects to mood boards and sketches.

The pattern I made was the pom-pom beanie although as of now, there is no pom-pom on my beanie! I loved that the hat was knitted in the round and I managed to do it all without DPNs as I just switched to a longer cable (yay for detachable needles) right at the end and did the last few rows following the magic loop method.

So what do you think? Pom-pom or no?

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